Monday, April 15, 2013

Return II: the Stick-Nightingale

Last year, on 26th May, I was in l'Aiguamoll de la Bòbila and I saw, as usually, some Nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) around. I remember a very nice male singing very close to me that I decided to see properly using the scope. I was very very surprised when I saw a stick apparently stuck in its chest!!
The bird looked well... but I couldn't know exactly how the stick could had arrived there!

Nature always keeps secrets and surprises for who is interested in. My big surprise yesterday morning, while I was ringing in the same place of the observation, was a Nightingale with a stick on its chest trapped in one of the nets. Yes, it was surely the same bird... still alive with the stick!, that is covered by the skin at the base. It seemed it was not a big trouble for the bird, so I decided to leave it there, ready for more travelling!

I wonder if the stick could come from some african bush... first sighting in Europe? :P


  1. Molt estrany aquest cas...!! Que el palet estigui cobert per la pell de l'ocell? Com si hagués sigut absorbit?!? Li vas intentar treure?

  2. Sí!, l'hi vaig intentar treure, però realment no vaig poder. Com que tampoc sembla massa greu (el porta com a mínim des del maig passat!!)... se'l va tornar a emportar. ;)
